The Centre for Ethnographic Research in the Aftermath of Violence (CEREV) is a digital curatorial workshop at Concordia University that facilitates critical experimentation with exhibition practice and public cultural production around “difficult knowledge.” Curated by Ethnographic Terminalia as a space showing research works-in-progress, the CEREV installation represents multiple engagements with ethnography and history through visuality and aurality, text, interactivity, and new technologies. Projects offer challenging new approaches to the Israeli-Palestine conflict, Argentinian political repression, South African apartheid, Jewish heritage tourism in Europe, and narratives of Holocaust memory, pioneering the ethnographic media lab as a space of intercultural dialogue and aesthetic and communicative experimentation.

Individual works: Erica Lehrer; Florencia Marchetti; Monica Eileen Patterson; Joseph Rosen

Student groups: Selina Antonucci, Ashley Clarkson & Katie King; Matthew Foster, Florencia Marchetti, Rachel Rotrand, & Alejandro Yoshizawa.