Wakanda University at the AAA is an ethno-future space beyond whiteness that challenges anthropology from the ground up. It is a project run by the Laboratory of Speculative Ethnology, curated by Elizabeth Chin and Danya Glabau. Wakanda first appeared in 2018, in the exhibition hall at the San Jose AAA meetings.
Wakanda University is back for the American Anthropological Association’s 2019 meeting with the theme of Creating the Space Where You Want to Be in Anthropology. Join Wakanda University organizers Elizabeth Chin and Danya Glabau for new and revised engagements designed to challenge the colonial, white, and masculine legacies of anthropology. Talk back to your writing projects with a mini writing retreat, create and exhibit technologies from the future at the Cyborg Sandbox, inhabit other worlds at our virtual reality gallery, upgrade your lab coat, join a silent rave, or test out a new formulation of Becky Be Gone. Join us during designated times for specific projects to meet the creators and facilitators, or come by anytime to make and document your participation in Wakanda as you see fit. For more information and schedules, please visit: https://wakandaaaa.home.blog/
Wakanda will install with Ethnographic Terminalia at the Hangar at the Centre for Digital Media, Vancouver.

Photo courtesy Elizabeth Chin. Wakanda University at AAA 2018, San Jose.
Colophon: The “Wakanda University” font was designed by Kenyan graphic artist Kevin Karanja and commissioned by Nairobi based Nest Collective.