‘The Photo-Essay is Dead, Long Live the Photo-Essay!’ was organized by the Ethnographic Terminalia Collective for the 2016 meetings of the American Anthropological Organization in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This rapid-prototype publication, which was printed and launched within 36 hours of the conclusion of its partner workshop, and this website, is the product of the creative energy and enthusiasm of many people and organizations.
We would like to express our gratitude to all of the workshop participants for joining us in the experimental creation of this publication. In particular, we acknowledge the workshop presenters for sharing their inspiring work in the workshop and in the pages that follow: Stephanie Sadre-Orafai, Jordan Tate, Jeffrey Schonberg, Donna DeCesare, Kate Schneider, Lee Douglas, Teresa Montoya, and Aubrey Graham.
Our gratitude to Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda, who led the print design and layout of the zine, and to Hannah Turner who assisted the rapid-production of the zine throughout the workshop and into the night. We are also very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Sam Gould at Minneapolis’ Beyond Repair, who designed and printed our cover, and facilitated the rapid printing of the publication. Thank you to Reese Muntean and Aynur Kadir for documenting the workshop.
We extend our sincere thanks to the American Anthropological Association (AAA), in particular Ushma J. Suvarnakar and Samuel Martinez, for inviting this experimental event to the 2016 meetings. We are ever grateful to our funding partners for making this work possible: The AAA, The Society for Visual Anthropology, and the Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council.
This website was designed by Kate Hennessy, Aynur Kadir, and Kyle McIntosh at Popgun Media.
Photographs are by Reese Muntean and Kate Hennessy.
The video was produced by Aynur Kadir and Kate Hennessy with the Ethnographic Terminalia Collective.
The Ethnographic Terminalia Collective is: Stephanie Takaragawa, Trudi Lynn Smith, Fiona P. McDonald, Kate Hennessy, and Craig Campbell.